1st easy and no pressure wellness brand, the link between science and nature, action and simplicity, balance and greed. By offering selected products and clear and trustworthy information, in a general tone carrying us in a very strong desire to live, Groow is the boost for the important moments of our life, that is to say all. Efficient, healthy and clear products that make access to one’s own resources obvious.
4 Montservon Street
Building 2D
95500 Gonesse
Mon to Fri: 9am – 6pm
Sat to Sun: Closed
Sales office & showroom
Contact: laurent.barth@polyflame.com
Purchasing office in Shanghai (25 people)
Sales office for USA & South America
1 office and showroom in Germany
Offices and dedicated back office in Italy
Sales teams present throughout Europe: Iberia, France, DACH, Eastern Europe & Scandinavia.
Our head office, which houses the operations department (sales administration, purchasing, accounting and finance)
Our 10 000m2 warehouse
Ideally located near Le Bourget airport:
Our 500m2 showroom
Our offices with our sales, marketing and digital teams.